Server - PDQ Deploy utility per monitorare la rete ed installare software

Segnalo un'interessante utility che ho scoperto oggi per caso.

Si trata di PDQ utility che esiste anche nella versione gratuita.

Si tratta di due utility:
  1. PDQ Deploy che a grandi linee permette di avere uno strumento per effettuare installazioni "silent" sui client.PDQ Deploy non sfrutta agent ma solo l'SMB File Sharing basta infatti che i client permettano l'accesso alle Administrative Shares (C$, RPC$, ADMIN$) 
  2. PDQ Reporting che permette di avere una reportistica dei client per quanto riguarda il software e l'hardware
Il link del download è il seguente:

Il confronto fra la versione free e quella pro si può evincere dalla seguente tabella:
Features Free Mode Pro Mode
Software Deployment Yes! Yes!
Deploy MSI, EXE, Batch, MSU, MSP Yes! Yes!
Deploy PowerShell & VB Script Yes! Yes!
Deploy to Non-AD Targets Yes! Yes!
Deploy to PDQ Inventory Targets Yes! Yes!
Schedule Deployments Yes!
Multi-step Installations Yes!
Integrate with Custom Tools & Scripts Yes!
Integrate with Task Manager Yes!
Inclusion & Exclusion filters Yes!
Throttle Bandwidth Yes!
Deployment Email Notifications Yes!
Wake-On-LAN Yes!
Target filters Yes!
Pull file copy (targets of deployments will
pull the installations files down)
Link To dynamic target lists for recurring

Di seguito il confronto delle due versioni:
PDQ Deploy is a software deployment tool that allows admins to silently install almost any application or patch. 
It's features include:
  • Integrates with Active Directory, Spiceworks, PDQ Inventory, and more
  • Install to multiple computers simultaneously
  • Real-time status
  • Install just about anything
  • Agentless 

PDQ Inventory scans and reports software, hardware, and OS configurations for your Windows network. 
It's features include:
  • Scanning for installed software and hardware on each computer
  • Create reports on what's installed on your network
  • Organize computers into collections that make sense to you
  • Really cool admin tools allow you to perform tasks on your computers
  • Integration with PDQ Deploy