Parte 7/7 qui
Per aggiungere il client al dominio la procedura è sempre la solita per i client windows utilizzando come dominio:
Per aggiungere il client al dominio la procedura è sempre la solita per i client windows utilizzando come dominio:
mentre il file smb.conf è il seguente:
# Global parameters[global]
netbios name = PDC-SVR
security = user
enable privileges = yes
#interfaces =
#username map = /etc/samba/smbusers
server string = Samba Server %v
#security = ads
encrypt passwords = Yes
#min passwd length = 3
#pam password change = no
#obey pam restrictions = No
# method 1:
#unix password sync = no
#ldap passwd sync = yes
# method 2:
unix password sync = yes
ldap passwd sync = yes
passwd program = /usr/sbin/smbldap-passwd -u "%u"
passwd chat = "Changing *\nNew password*" %n\n "*Retype new password*" %n\n"
log level = 10
syslog = 10
log file = /var/log/samba/log.%U
max log size = 100000
time server = Yes
socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
mangling method = hash2
Dos charset = CP932
Unix charset = UTF-8
logon script = logon.bat
logon drive = H:
logon home =
logon path =
domain logons = Yes
domain master = Yes
os level = 65
preferred master = Yes
wins support = yes
# passdb backend = ldapsam:"ldap:// ldap://"
passdb backend = ldapsam:ldap://
ldap admin dn = cn=Manager,dc=instyle,dc=locale
#ldap admin dn = cn=samba,ou=DSA,dc=company,dc=com
ldap suffix = dc=instyle,dc=locale
ldap group suffix = ou=Group
ldap user suffix = ou=People
ldap machine suffix = ou=Hosts
ldap idmap suffix = ou=Idmap
add user script = /usr/sbin/smbldap-useradd -m "%u"
#ldap delete dn = Yes
delete user script = /usr/sbin/smbldap-userdel "%u"
add machine script = /usr/sbin/smbldap-useradd -t 0 -w "%u"
add group script = /usr/sbin/smbldap-groupadd -p "%g"
delete group script = /usr/sbin/smbldap-groupdel "%g"
add user to group script = /usr/sbin/smbldap-groupmod -m "%u" "%g"
delete user from group script = /usr/sbin/smbldap-groupmod -x "%u" "%g"
set primary group script = /usr/sbin/smbldap-usermod -g '%g' '%u'
admin users = admin
# printers configuration
#printer admin = @"Print Operators"
#load printers = Yes
create mask = 0640
directory mask = 0750
#force create mode = 0640
#force directory mode = 0750
#nt acl support = No
#printing = cups
#printcap name = cups
deadtime = 10
guest account = nobody
map to guest = Bad User
dont descend = /proc,/dev,/etc,/lib,/lost+found,/initrd
#show add printer wizard = yes
; to maintain capital letters in shortcuts in any of the profile folders:
preserve case = yes
short preserve case = yes
#case sensitive = no
path = /home/netlogon/
browseable = No
read only = yes
path = /home/profiles
read only = no
create mask = 0600
directory mask = 0700
browseable = No
guest ok = Yes
profile acls = yes
csc policy = disable
# next line is a great way to secure the profiles
#force user = %U
# next line allows administrator to access all profiles
#valid users = %U "Domain Admins"
; comment = Network Printers
#printer admin = @"Print Operators"
; guest ok = yes
; printable = yes
; path = /home/spool/
; browseable = No
; read only = Yes
; printable = Yes
; print command = /usr/bin/lpr -P%p -r %s
; lpq command = /usr/bin/lpq -P%p
; lprm command = /usr/bin/lprm -P%p %j
# print command = /usr/bin/lpr -U%U@%M -P%p -r %s
# lpq command = /usr/bin/lpq -U%U@%M -P%p
# lprm command = /usr/bin/lprm -U%U@%M -P%p %j
# lppause command = /usr/sbin/lpc -U%U@%M hold %p %j
# lpresume command = /usr/sbin/lpc -U%U@%M release %p %j
# queuepause command = /usr/sbin/lpc -U%U@%M stop %p
# queueresume command = /usr/sbin/lpc -U%U@%M start %p
; path = /home/printers
; guest ok = No
; browseable = Yes
; read only = Yes
; valid users = @"Print Operators"
; write list = @"Print Operators"
; create mask = 0664
; directory mask = 0775
path = /tmp
guest ok = yes
browseable = Yes
writable = yes
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