
Tips - Importing and Exporting Mail and User Accounts in Outlook 2007

Da un cliente ero nella necessità di esportare la posta di outlook 2007 da un pc ad un altro mantenendo inalterati anche i settaggi degli account di posta, le password ed il settaggio della rubrica.

Cercando su internet ho trovato il seguente workflow che ho applicato con successo:


Old Machine

Outlook 2007 is nice enough to put all of its account info for each profile under one key.

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles\
Close Outlook if it's running.

To export your Outlook account information, we just need to export that magic key.

Open regedit.exe and export the precedent register key as .re.

Caveats: Every profile on your system under your logon will be exported.

To move your old mail, you'll need to copy your PST file to the new machine.
  1. Click Start, Run
  2. Type %userprofile%\local settings\application data\microsoft\outlook
  3. Click OK
  4. In that folder there will be some *.pst files. Copy (don't move!) them to a removable drive or a network share. The one you're most likely concerned with is outlook.pst

New Machine

First, we need to import the profile information.

Double-click the file (outlook_profiles.reg

Next, we need to get your data file back over.
  1. Click Start, Run
  2. Type %userprofile%\local settings\application data\microsoft\outlook
  3. Click OK
  4. Copy (don't move!) the *.pst files you found on the old machine. The one you're most likely concerned with is outlook.pst
Lastly, we need to set Outlook to use the profile from the old machine.
  1. Open Control Panel.
  2. Open the Mail applet.
  3. Click on the Show Profiles button.
  4. Choose the profile name that matches the one you used to use from the "Always use this profile" dropdown.
  5. Click OK.
Now, when you open Outlook, you should have your old mail and the mail accounts all set up and ready to go.


If you have lost the password you can use the passware utility, Asterisk Key, which will do the job.
  1. Download, install and run the tool on the old machine using this link.
  2. Open Notepad.
  3. Open Outlook 2007.
  4. Click Tools, Account Settings.
  5. Double-click the account you don't know the password to.
  6. Go into Asterisk Key and click the RECOVER icon on the toolbar.
  7. The tool will reveal your password for that account. Click the COPY LINK next to the revealed password.
  8. PASTE the password into your notepad document.
  9. Repeat Steps 5-8 as necessary.
  10. Save the Notepad document so you can move it to the new machine.
  11. At the new machine, paste the passwords from the Notepad document into Outlook.