Per installare un driver, andare nella cartella dei driver con nome
driver.inf e dare il seguente comando
pnputil -i -a driver.inf
Aggiungere un utente al gruppo amministratore locale:
net localgroup Administrators /add utente
Per rimuovere
net localgroup Administrators /delete utente
Per avere la lista dei driver installati:
sc query type= driver
Per vedere gli eventi:
wevtutil el
Per fare una query:
wevtutil qe /f:text
per visualizzare la lista dei servizi:
sc query oppure net start
sc start
per vedere i servizi:
taskkill /PID
Per abilitare la gestione remota tramite MMC
netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="Remote Administration" new enable=yes
netsh advfirewall set currentprofile settings remotemanagement enable
start /w ocsetup
Note: Using /w prevents the
command prompt from returning until the installation completes. Without /w,
there is no indication that the installation completed. Where featurename
is the name of a feature from the following list:
Note: To install the remote
administration tool for BitLocker, type the following at a command
start /w ocsetup BitLocker-RemoteAdminTool
- Backup: WindowsServerBackup
- Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP): SNMP-SC
- Windows Internet Name Service (WINS): WINS-SC
- Telnet client: TelnetClient
Note: To remove an optional
feature, use start /w ocsetup with
the appropriate role name and the /uninstall
shutdown /r /t 0