Server - Trasferire il ruolo di un DC giu' su un altro

Segno alcune operazioni da eseguire per poter grasferire il ruolo di DC da un server ad un altro in caso di disastro.

Ecco il documento di Microsoft:

Ecco invece la procedura trovata su internet:

The thing to be careful of is that the DC that is down must never come back as it will need to be forced from the domain as well. All this should be a last ditch effort.

First, you should try to recover the failed domain controller.

If that fails, you should identify the missing FSMO roles and seize them to another domain controller, if you have one

Next, you need to remove the failed domain controller from the domain

Once this is done, you should NEVER use that computer name again as the domain will recognise it as a domain controller even though you have removed all the necessary entries