HyperV 2012 – Gestirlo da remoto in un Workgroup

Con HyperV 2008 R2 se volevamo utilizzarlo in un Workgroup oppure un dominio non Microsoft era necessario utilizzare hvremote ed i relativi passaggi menzionati nel seguente post del blog:

Leggendo i vari post su internet ho scoperto che la procedura è praticamente la stessa (vedere link seguente)

Ecco dove scaricare hvremote:


Da approfondire la RSAT in Windows 7 per HyperV 2012 nel seguente trafiletto:



From a Windows 7 PC, you can still remotely connect to a Hyper-V Server 2012 box and manage via command-line tools though. This could be accomplished using Remote Desktop Services to connect directly to the Hyper-V Server 2012 console or via PowerShell remoting from the Windows 7 PC if you download and install Windows Management Framework 3.0 on the Windows 7 PC.

“Currently, Hyper-V Server 2012 can be managed from Windows 7 or Server 2008 R2 using command line tools.  The GUI Management tools require Windows 8 or Windows Server 2012 as the underlying OS.  One option that may work well for you is to setup a Windows 8 management PC in a virtual machine and install the Hyper-V Management tools and RSAT tools there.  That's what I do, and it works well for me.”