Vmware – Convertire un disco da IDE a SCSI

Se con Vmware converter o altro tool creiamo una VM con controller IDE invece che SCSI si ha una VM piu’ lenta e non incrementabile di dimensione.
Per cambiarla c’è un articolo di riferimento di Vmware:
Copio ed incollo in contenuto:
To convert the IDE disk to SCSI:

  1. Locate the datastore path where the virtual machine resides.

    For example:

    # cd /vmfs/volumes///
  2. From the ESX Service Console, open the primary disk (.vmdk) using the vi editor. For more information, see  Editing files on an ESX host using vi or nano (1020302)
  3. Look for the line:

    ddb.adapterType = "ide"
  4. To change the adapter type to LSI Logic change the line to:

    ddb.adapterType = "lsilogic"

    To change the adapter type to Bus Logic change the line to:

    ddb.adapterType = "buslogic"
  5. Save the file.
  6. From VMware Infrastructure/vSphere Client:
    1. Click Edit Settings for the virtual machine.
    2. Select the IDE virtual disk.
    3. Choose to Remove the Disk from the virtual machine.
    4. Click OK.Caution: Make sure that you do not choose Remove from disk.
  7. From the Edit Settings menu for this virtual machine:

    1. Click Add > Hard Disk > Use Existing Virtual Disk.
    2. Navigate to the location of the disk and select to add it into the virtual machine.
    3. Choose the same controller as in Step 3 as the adapter type. The SCSI ID should read SCSI 0:0.
  1. If a CDROM device exists in the virtual machine it may need to have the IDE channel adjusted from IDE 0:1 to IDE 0:0. If this option is greyed out, remove the CD-ROM from the virtual machine and add it back. This sets it to IDE 0:0. 
[fonte http://www.spippolazione.net/index.php/2012/12/13/convertire-un-disco-ide-in-scsi-in-una-macchina-virtuale-vmware ]
