Workflow banale ma che segno come promemoria visto che dovevo accedere alla cassetta postale di un utente per operazioni di manucanzione (soglia dimensione mailbox superata).
Di seguito la procedura:
1. Log into Exchange Server
The first step is to log into the Domain Controller Server using Exchange/Domain Admin credentials.
2. Open Active Directory Users and Computers
Navigate to it any way you wish.
Start -> Admin Tools -> Active Directory Users and Computers
3. Find The User's Mailbox Being Given Access To
Search for the user whose mailbox needs to be opened by another user.
4. Grant Full Mailbox Access
Right click on the user Select Properties -> Exchange Advanced -> Mailbox Rights -> Add -> %Username% -> Grant full access -> Ok
%username%= whichever user needs the access.
5. Open Outlook
From here on, this is done using the account that needs access to the user folder.
6. Add User's Mailbox
Select Tools -> Account Settings -> Select email address -> Change -> More Settings -> Advanced -> Add -> User's Mailbox that needs opened -> Ok -> Ok -> Next -> Finish
7. Undo Everything
Once the user is done accessing the information, I recommend undoing everything that was done for security purposes.