Utile script per rimuovere dal proprio pc il client SMS su una postazione remota.
Facilmente adattabile per altre esigenze
' VBScript Source File -- Created with SAPIEN Technologies PrimalScript 3.0
' NAME: SMSUninstall.vbs
' AUTHOR: Fellows, Richard
' DATE : 7/1/2005
' COMMENT: Script to call the uninstall method for a specific application
'via Windows Installer and WMI
Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002
strComputer = InputBox("Uninstall SMS on what computer?","SMS 2003 Remote deinstall",".")
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
& "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
Set colSoftware = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Product Where Name = 'SMS Advanced Client'")
strfound = false
For Each objSoftware in colSoftware
strfound = true
Set oReg=GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\default:StdRegProv")
strKeyPath = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall" & objSoftware.IdentifyingNumber
strValueName = "NoRemove"
dwValue = 0
oReg.SetDWORDValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,strKeyPath,strValueName,dwValue
If Err <> 0 Then
'Unable to set/find the NoRemove registry value for the SMS Advanced
wscript.Echo "Error setting NoRemove value on: " & strKeyPath & " ErrorNumber: " & Err.Number & " Desciption: " & Err.Description
'found the SMS Advanced Client remove it!
wscript.echo "Uninstall Started"
End If
If strfound = False Then
WScript.Echo "Unable to locate the SMS advanced client on " & strComputer & "!"
end if
' End of Script
SCCM 2012 - Replication Configuration Manager incorrectly reports the link status as Degraded and then reports the status as Active one minute later.
In una gerarchia Primary Site e Secondary Site ho notato che appariva di continuo il seguente errore:
Site systems
- Replication Configuration Manager incorrectly reports the link status as Degraded and then reports the status as Active one minute later.
Description of Cumulative Update 1 for System Center 2012 Configuration Manager Service Pack 1
Antivirus - ComboFix
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SCCM 2012 - Link per il download SP1
Ho proceduto ad installare SCCM 2012 senza SP1.
Siccome ho avuto difficoltà a trovare il relativo SP1 segno qui nel blog il relativo Link:
Una volta scaricato eseguire setup.exe o splash.hta e selezionare upgrade
Siccome ho avuto difficoltà a trovare il relativo SP1 segno qui nel blog il relativo Link:
Una volta scaricato eseguire setup.exe o splash.hta e selezionare upgrade
Exchange 2003 - Exchange 2010 Transport Rule Disclaimer, Co-Existence & OWA 2003
Copio ed incollo il testo del seguente articolo che spiega di problemi di invio posta da OWA di un Exchange 2003 ad un Exchange 2010 tramite Owa. La soluzione proposta è l'installazione di un hotfix oppure la disabilitazione del messaggio di Disclaimer:
I came across an issue where the email message sent from OWA 2003 using IE8/9 (while co-existing with Exchange 2010) delivers a lot of garbage as the message body. This only happens if you have a 2010 transport rule for disclaimer.
The below screenshot shows the type of email you get as a recipient.

It looks like it is a known issue and the KB article explains the issue. The problem occurs because Outlook Web Access for Exchange 2003 sets an email to an incorrect character set. When the message is routed by the Exchange 2010 server that has the disclaimer rule enabled, the email is converted to incorrect HTML tagging based on the incorrect character set. Then, the message is corrupted by the incorrect tagging.
The fix is to install a hotfix on Exchange 2003 servers in the environment and a registry edit to enable the hotfix. The server needs a restart as well.
I came across an issue where the email message sent from OWA 2003 using IE8/9 (while co-existing with Exchange 2010) delivers a lot of garbage as the message body. This only happens if you have a 2010 transport rule for disclaimer.
The below screenshot shows the type of email you get as a recipient.
It looks like it is a known issue and the KB article explains the issue. The problem occurs because Outlook Web Access for Exchange 2003 sets an email to an incorrect character set. When the message is routed by the Exchange 2010 server that has the disclaimer rule enabled, the email is converted to incorrect HTML tagging based on the incorrect character set. Then, the message is corrupted by the incorrect tagging.
The fix is to install a hotfix on Exchange 2003 servers in the environment and a registry edit to enable the hotfix. The server needs a restart as well.
SCCM 2012 - Modalità di installazion del Client SCCM 2012
Per il deployment del client SCCM in automatico copio ed incollo il seguente trafiletto e segno il link per approfondire la tematica:
To configure the site to automatically use client push for discovered computers
To configure the site to automatically use client push for discovered computers
- If there are specific computers that are assigned to the site and that must not install the Configuration Manager client, configure the ExcludeServers list. For more information, see How to Prevent the Client Software from Installing on Specific Computers in Configuration Manager.
- In the Configuration Manager console, click Administration.
- In the Administration workspace, expand Site Configuration, and then click Sites.
- In the Sites list, select the site for which you want to configure automatic site-wide client push installation.
- On the Home tab, in the Settings group, click Client Installation Settings, and then click Client Push Installation.
- On the General tab of the Client Push Installation Properties dialog box, select Enable automatic site-wide client push installation. Select the system types to which System Center 2012 Configuration Manager should push the client software by selecting Servers, Workstations, or Configuration Manager site system servers. The default selection is Servers and Workstations.
- Select whether you want automatic site-wide client push installation to install the System Center 2012 Configuration Manager client software on domain controllers.
- On the Accounts tab,
specify one or more accounts for System Center 2012
Configuration Manager to use when connecting to the computer to install
the client software. Click the Create icon, enter the User name and Password, confirm the password, and then click OK.
If you do not specify at least one client push installation account,
System Center 2012 Configuration Manager tries to use the site system
computer account. The account must have local administrator rights on
every computer on which you want to install the client.
The password for the client push installation account is limited to 38 characters or less. Note
If you intend to use the client push installation method from a secondary site, the account must be specified at the secondary site that initiates the client push. For more information about the client push installation account, see the next procedure,”To use the Client Push Installation Wizard”. - On the Installation Properties tab, specify any installation properties to use when installing the System Center 2012 Configuration Manager client:
- For Configuration Manager with no service pack: You can specify only installation properties for the Windows Installer package (Client.msi) in this tab; you cannot specify properties for CCMSetup.exe.
For Configuration Manager SP1: You can specify installation
properties for the Windows Installer package (Client.msi) in this tab
and the following CCMSetup.exe properties:
- /forcereboot
- /skipprereq
- /logon
- /BITSPriority
- /downloadtimeout
- /forceinstall
If you enable client push installation on a secondary site, ensure that the SMSSITECODE property is set to the System Center 2012 Configuration Manager site name of its parent primary site. If the Active Directory schema is extended for System Center 2012 Configuration Manager, you can also set this to AUTO to automatically find the correct site assignment.
SCCM 2012 - p. 15 - How to install Secondary Site
E' necessario abilitare la pubblicazione su System\System Container tramite un Active Directory Forest Account
Di seguito l'articolo esaustivo nel merito:
Configuration Manager 2012 secondary sites are deployed through the console, via a push from a Primary Site Server. All the prerequisites, such as SQL Server 2008 and .NET Framework 4.0, are pushed out with the role remotely. However, this requires two features to be installed to work correctly. Those features are as follows:
- Remote Differential Compression
- .NET Framework 3.5
Import-Module ServerManager Add-WindowsFeature Net-Framework,RDC
SCCM 2012
Server - Utility Trial che permette di ritrovare Last Logon Time in AD
Ero nella necessità di determinare in un AD strutturato tutte le informazini sugli utenti in AD (last logon time...)
ho risolto con questa utility free/Trial.
ho risolto con questa utility free/Trial.
Windows 2003,
Windows 2008,
Windows 2008 R2 Foundation
SMS 2003 e SCCM 2012 - Coexistence
Both can coexist and note that in ConfigMgr 2012 you can use a "boundary
group" for site assignment and content location therefore this help to
avoid overlapping boundaries for site assignment because we can use
one set of boundary group for site assignment and another set for
content location. Read more http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh427326.aspx.
So this make possible to have SMS 2003 or ConfigMgr 2007 boundaries and ConfigMgr 2012 boundary Group used for content location overlapping.
I've done many installations before but this time I'm stuck. I've created the container and give it the full permissions for the site server machine account(including all descendant objects) but SCCM 2012 still cannot create the necessary objects in it. According to hman.log system management container exists but it cannot write to it. AD schema hasn't been extended. My customer is hesitant for now, so we plan to extend it later. And afaik without extending the schema SCCM can also operate without issues. Any idea with the issue?
Publishing to AD without having the schema extended does not make sense. ConfigMgr can work without publishing to AD, but it's easier if the schema is extended and publishing is active. Why is the customer hesitant?
So this make possible to have SMS 2003 or ConfigMgr 2007 boundaries and ConfigMgr 2012 boundary Group used for content location overlapping.
I've done many installations before but this time I'm stuck. I've created the container and give it the full permissions for the site server machine account(including all descendant objects) but SCCM 2012 still cannot create the necessary objects in it. According to hman.log system management container exists but it cannot write to it. AD schema hasn't been extended. My customer is hesitant for now, so we plan to extend it later. And afaik without extending the schema SCCM can also operate without issues. Any idea with the issue?
Publishing to AD without having the schema extended does not make sense. ConfigMgr can work without publishing to AD, but it's easier if the schema is extended and publishing is active. Why is the customer hesitant?
SCCM 2012
Tips - Google Reader Alternative FEEDLY una perfetta alternativa
Sono stato da anni un felice e soddisfatto utilizzatore di Google Reader.
Visto che questo servizio di google è terminato l'1 luglio mi ero premunito di fare un backup di tale prodotto.
Avendo in questo backup una lunga lista di sottoscrizioni ho cercato dei servizi che in un click o poco piu' riuscissero ad importare tali impostazioni.
Ecco il prodotto che ho trovato:
Feedly che vanta 12 milioni di utenti e nel quale è sufficiente importare il tutto:
Se abbiamo google aperto nello stesso browser ed andando nel precedente link è sufficiente cliccare su "I have a Google Account".
Successivamente per importare i settings di Google Reader precedentemente salvati in Google Takeoub bisogna seguire le seguenti istruzioni:
*Where can I find my OPML file? You can find your Google Reader OPML file by going to the Google Takeout service and downloading your Google Reader archive. Once you have finished downloading your archive, you can unzip. There will be a file in it call subscription.xml. This is the file you want to upload in step
Dopo di chè avremo il proprio google reade in versione FEEDLY
Visto che questo servizio di google è terminato l'1 luglio mi ero premunito di fare un backup di tale prodotto.
Avendo in questo backup una lunga lista di sottoscrizioni ho cercato dei servizi che in un click o poco piu' riuscissero ad importare tali impostazioni.
Ecco il prodotto che ho trovato:
Feedly che vanta 12 milioni di utenti e nel quale è sufficiente importare il tutto:
Se abbiamo google aperto nello stesso browser ed andando nel precedente link è sufficiente cliccare su "I have a Google Account".
Successivamente per importare i settings di Google Reader precedentemente salvati in Google Takeoub bisogna seguire le seguenti istruzioni:
*Where can I find my OPML file? You can find your Google Reader OPML file by going to the Google Takeout service and downloading your Google Reader archive. Once you have finished downloading your archive, you can unzip. There will be a file in it call subscription.xml. This is the file you want to upload in step
Dopo di chè avremo il proprio google reade in versione FEEDLY
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