SCCM 2012 - Unknown SQL error in ConfigMgr after installing DotNet updates

Looking on internet I have found an interesting article that inform about the problem after installing the following patch 


on a SCCM Server.

Here are the relative Error:

SMS_STATE_SYSTEM The State System message file processing could not process file '********.SMX' and moved it to the corrupt directory. Review the statesys.log file for further details.
Microsoft SQL Server reported SQL message 50000, severity 16: *** Unknown SQL Error!

STATESYS.LOG *** *** Unknown SQL Error!
CMessageProcessor - Encountered a non-fatal SQL error while processing
CMessageProcessor - Non-fatal error while processing ********.SMX

SITESTAT.LOG omGetServerRoleAvailabilityState could not read from the registry on ; error = 6; ---->: Failed to get the Availability State on server fro role Distribution Point.

The problem has been solved removing  

Microsoft should resolve the fix problem anyway  you can find temporary solutions for these issues in this blog post: Issues Reported with MS13-052 (KB2840628) and Configuration Manager