
2012 Server - Microsoft iSCSI Software Target 3.3

The Microsoft iSCSI Software Target 3.3 provides storage (disks) over a TCP/IP network. It turns a computer running Windows Server into a storage device which provides shared block storage. You can use Microsoft iSCSI Software Target 3.3 to perform a variety of storage-related tasks, including the following:
  • Provide shared storage for Hyper-V to enable high availability and live migration
  • Consolidate storage for multiple application servers (i.e. Microsoft SQL Server or Hyper-V)
  • Provide shared storage for applications hosted on a Windows failover cluster
  • Enable diskless computers to boot remotely from a single operating system image using iSCSI
The Microsoft iSCSI Software Target 3.3 is an economical solution suited for a development or test environment and a small, medium, or branch office production environment. It enables storage consolidation and sharing on a Windows Server by implementing the iSCSI (Internet Small Computer Systems Interface) protocol, which supports SCSI-block access to a storage device over a TCP/IP network. For details on how to manage iSCSI targets, see

Here are some reference:

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Microsoft ha messo a disposizione gratuitamente un target iSCSI, chiamato Microsoft iSCSI Software Target, al momento disponibile nella versione 3.3.

Di iSCSI si parla quando parliamo della Live Migration di macchine virtuali su Hyper-V sfruttando un volume CSV (Cluster Shared Volume). 

Microsoft iSCSI Software Target consente di esporre i dischi collegati ad un server come LUN accessibili via rete tramite appunto il protocollo iSCSI.

L’utilizzo insieme ad Hyper-V e in particolare l’attivazione dei Cluster Shared Volumes e l’utilizzo del MultiPath IO (MPIO) consente di abilitare scenari di alta disponibilità con Live Migration molto rapida delle macchine virtuali. Infatti, l’utilizzo di uno storage CSV su LUN iSCSI consente a tutti i nodi del cluster di vedere nello stesso momento il disco base della/e Virtual Machine, non rendendo necessario lo spostamento del disco da un host di virtualizzazione ad un altro.

Ecco degli articoli di riferimento:
[fonte ]

Tips - Override "Windows Has Blocked Software Because It Can’t Verify The Publisher" and Fix the “Your security settings have blocked an untrusted application from running” error with Java"

Often I need to configure old network devices through web browser and configuration stops with following warning.

I take note about this issue in case somenoe need a single article to find easily soluzion:

1.  If you get this error "Your security settings have blocked an untrusted application from running” error with Java" you simple need to go to controla panel --> Java and add relative link to override Jave security request:

2.  Error:"Windows Has Blocked Software Because It Can’t Verify The Publisher"

To resolve this problem do the following:

To fix the IE security problem, try this

1. Click Start Menu and click Internet Explorer.
2. From Tools menu choose Internet Options, a dialog will appear.
3. Navigate to the Advanced tab, and under Security uncheck:

[ ] Check for publisher’s certificare revocation
[ ] Check for server certificate revocation*

Also go to Trusted Sites settings and add the site to Trusted sites and lower the level all the way down.

Manual - Microsoft Lync 2013 Reference Card

This Microsoft Lync 2013 Reference Card offers the fundamentals, as well as tips for using the various applications within the operating system. Use this reference to brush up on the basics and to find alternative methods to your favorite commands. This printable quick reference is yours to use, distribute, and share at your organization! 


News - The secret of productivity? Working for 52 minutes and then take a break of 17 minuti. - Il segreto della produttività? Lavorare per 52 minuti e poi fare una pausa di 17 minuti.

Il segreto della produttività? Lavorare per 52 minuti e poi fare una pausa di 17 minuti.E’ la ricetta proposta da DeskTime, società che monitora le prestazioni sul lavoro attraverso un software. Il test, che proverebbe il valore di questa formula, è stato condotto su una platea di utenti selezionati tra i più produttivi.
In sostanza, il lavoro più produttivo sarebbe una sorta di sprint sportivo che gli atleti-lavoratori affronterebbero, per fermarsi successivamente a riposare e poi ricominciare, pronti per una nuova performance. Non è molto utile, quindi, stare alla scrivania o al computer senza interruzioni per otto ore di seguito; meglio staccare spesso per recuperare e ripartire.
Il cervello degli uomini non sarebbe infatti tarato per un’attenzione costante per l’intero arco di otto ore consecutive, così come il corpo umano non è fatto per stare nella medesima posizione/postazione per tante ore di fila.

[ original article]


The secret of productivity? Working for 52 minutes and then take a break of 17 minuti.It's the recipe proposed by DeskTime, a company that monitors the performance on the job through a software. The test, which shows the value of this formula, was conducted on a selected number of users among the most productive.

In essence, the more productive work would be a sort of sprint athletes athletes-workers would face, then stop for a rest and then start again, ready for a new performance. It is not very useful, therefore, to be at your desk or computer without interruption for eight hours at a time; disconnect often better to recover and start over.

The brains of men would not have it calibrated for constant attention for the entire period of eight consecutive hours, as well as the human body is not made ​​to stand in the same position / location for so many hours in a row.

[ original article]

Program - Xirrus Wi-Fi Inspector

As we know WIFI can overlap transmission channel with other WIFI nearby our house or work site.

To verify why our WIFI connection is slow or if there are other WIFI that use the same channed I found very useful this utility:

Xirrus Wi-Fi Inspector


I take note about this usefule article that give 6 useful WIFI utility

2012 Server - How monitor 2008 server on 2012 dashboard

If you want to monitor or create a server group inside Windows 2012 R2 Server about 2008 R2 server you need to install WinRM 3.0 otherwise you wouldn't be able to monitor that server:

After you download and install the update for the WMF 3.0 run the command prompt as administrator and type “WINRM Quickconfig” to enable remote access:

Tips - WSUS and how to limit BITS download speed

During this days I needed to limit WSUS syncronization package download from a WSUS to a parent.

Considering that WSUS utilize BITS you need:

  1. start --> gpedit.msc
  2. Modify relative BITS section as screenshot
  3. Execute CMD with Administrative right.
  4. gpedit.msc