
Tips - Override "Windows Has Blocked Software Because It Can’t Verify The Publisher" and Fix the “Your security settings have blocked an untrusted application from running” error with Java"

Often I need to configure old network devices through web browser and configuration stops with following warning.

I take note about this issue in case somenoe need a single article to find easily soluzion:

1.  If you get this error "Your security settings have blocked an untrusted application from running” error with Java" you simple need to go to controla panel --> Java and add relative link to override Jave security request:

2.  Error:"Windows Has Blocked Software Because It Can’t Verify The Publisher"

To resolve this problem do the following:

To fix the IE security problem, try this

1. Click Start Menu and click Internet Explorer.
2. From Tools menu choose Internet Options, a dialog will appear.
3. Navigate to the Advanced tab, and under Security uncheck:

[ ] Check for publisher’s certificare revocation
[ ] Check for server certificate revocation*

Also go to Trusted Sites settings and add the site to Trusted sites and lower the level all the way down.