SQL- How to determine which version and edition of SQL Server Database Engine is running

If you want to determine which SQL version and edition is running on your server/client you can use this complete Microsoft article:


Here they are some articles parts that I copied and pasted below:


To determine the version of SQL Server, you can use any of the following methods.

Method 1: Connect to the server by using Object Explorer in SQL Server Management Studio. After Object Explorer is connected, it will show the version information in parentheses, together with the user name that is used to connect to the specific instance of SQL Server.

Method 2: Look at the first few lines of the Errorlog file for that instance. By default, the error log is located at Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.n\MSSQL\LOG\ERRORLOG and ERRORLOG.n files. The entries may resemble the following:
2011-03-27 22:31:33.50 Server      Microsoft SQL Server 2008 (SP1) - 
10.0.2531.0 (X64)

                March 29 2009 10:11:52

                Copyright (c) 1988-2008 Microsoft Corporation

Express Edition (64-bit)
on Windows NT 6.1  (Build 7600: ) 
This entry provides all the necessary information about the product, such as version, product level, 64-bit versus 32-bit, the edition of SQL Server, and the OS version on which SQL Server is running.

Method 3: Connect to the instance of SQL Server, and then run the following query:

Select @@version 

Here it is a sample screenshot:

Example of changed output

Method 4: Connect to the instance of SQL Server, and then run the following query in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS):

SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('productversion'), SERVERPROPERTY ('productlevel'),


Method 5

SQL Server Configuration Manager --> SQL Server Services --> Right-click SQL Server (PROFXENGAGEMENT), and click Properties.
Click on the Advanced tab.

Browse to Stock Keeping Unit Name and Version.


Method 6 This is a very well done sql version related blog:


I copy and paste a quickly summary:

↓ SQL Server vNext
     codename Helsinki
not yet released
↓ SQL Server 201613.0.1601.513.0.4001.0
or 13.1.4001.0
↓ SQL Server 201412.0.2000.812.0.4100.1
or 12.1.4100.1
or 12.2.5000.0
↓ SQL Server 2012
     codename Denali
or 11.1.3000.0
or 11.2.5058.0
or 11.3.6020.0
↓ SQL Server 2008 R2
     codename Kilimanjaro
or 10.51.2500.0
or 10.52.4000.0
or 10.53.6000.34
↓ SQL Server 2008
     codename Katmai
or 10.1.2531.0
or 10.2.4000.0
or 10.3.5500.0
or 10.4.6000.29
↓ SQL Server 2005
     codename Yukon
↓ SQL Server 2000
     codename Shiloh
↓ SQL Server 7.0
     codename Sphinx