Windows 10 - Enable diagnostic command prompt with 1703 or later versions

During Windows 10 upgrade process and pressing SHIFT + F10 you  would have possibility to launch and use diagnostic command prompt to verify upgrade status, log viewing and other tasks.

Due to Microsoft security aspect attention this feature was disabled with 1703 version and later.

Using SCCM or this O.S. upgrade process you need to:

  • Add a Set Task Sequence Variable step before the Upgrade Operating system step in the Upgrade Task Sequence, like so.
    Task Sequence Variable: Set OSDSetupAdditionalUpgradeOptions
    Value: /DiagnosticPrompt enable
If you launch from command line Windows 10 O.S. upgrade phases you need to launch setup.exe as below:

/DiagnosticPrompt {enable | disable}Specifies that the Command Prompt is available during Windows Setup.

Enable: The Command Prompt can be accessed by pressing Shift+F10 during Windows setup.

Disable: The Command Prompt is not available during Windows setup. The Command Prompt wil not be available while offline and OOBE phases are running. This is the default setting.

setup /DiagnosticPrompt enable

This setting is new for Windows 10, Version 1703.