If you must check server uptime (or any other information) systeminfo is an interesting command line tool (Windows builtin)
SystemInfo /s SERVERNAME| find "Boot Time:"
With previous command you could obtain remote server uptime information
Indeed concatenating previous commands, using &&, it will aggregate several server info "one shot"
SystemInfo /s SERVERNAME1 | find "Boot Time:" && SystemInfo /s SERVERNAME2| find "Boot Time:"
Consider that you might launch command line, locally, with AD account with enough permissions on remote servers.
[related article]
Scripting - How to refresh remote client ip
[Update - 2022.11.17]
There is an alternative way to check, remotely, system uptime, it is using psexec in conjunction with wmic command.
About psexec you can review this old blog article:
- execute cmd with Administrative rights
- cd c:\patchwherepsexecislocated\
- PsExec64.exe \\REMOTEPCNAME cmd
- wmic path Win32_OperatingSystem get LastBootUpTime