Extra IT - Family mediator mention/Mediatrice Familiare menzione #FRANCESCA #FABBRI

Mediation, as a constructive life approach, means to solve conflicts, finding a fair agreement (acceptable for both parts), having first objective to preserve children (in family mediation case) and focus on their supreme good. 

Afterward, another family mediation objective is focusing on shared parenting.

Parents agrees, and are helped (working on themselves and on their behavior), maintaining good communication, helping each other and good relations. 

Love that does no longer exists between parents, is preserved versus children, and parents work closely to maintain vice versa good behavior/fair, helping each others and having good relations.

Family mediation permit to outcome previous target (stipulating a written agreement too)

Consider that any war or hate attitude, as general concept, is negative versus any person (there are several medicine/philosophical/religious confirms that, in any case, I omit to indicate in this article). 

This is more negative specifically versus ex-wife/ex-husband.

Be aware that, children's face has 50 % similarity to both parents. 

If you hate ex-wife/ex-husband it means that you are hating children's half. (so this is terrible!)

Due to this reasons, achieve separation, through familiy mediatior, it permit to avoid/limit previous risk (if ex-wife/ex-husband declare war, each other, through lawyer, previous risk is decisevely higher) and, in any case, signing a written agreement protects all parts (and children at first)

So, considering 28/7/22 importance date, for me (anniversary date) I would like to share, and strongly endorse, Dott.ssa Francesca Fabbri

Fabbri's professionalism, and correcteness, was the key to sucessfully achieve an excellent result. (in my case)

These are references (in case they would be useful for someone)




La mediazione, come approccio costruttivo alla vita (sia in ambito familiare che in tutti gli altri ambiti), significa risolvere i conflitti, trovando un accordo equo, (quindi accettabile per entrambe le parti). 

Nel caso della mediazione familiare significa avere come primo obiettivo il preservare i figli focalizzando sul loro bene supremo. 

Successivamente, un altro obiettivo, anch'esso importante, della mediazione familiare, è concentrarsi sulla genitorialità condivisa.

I genitori si impegnano e, allo stesso tempo, vengono aiutati, (mettendosi in gioco e lavorando su se stessi) a mantenere buoni rapporti, aiutandosi a vicenda e mantenendo una buona, e rispettosa, comunicazione.

L'amore infatti, che non esiste più tra i genitori, deve essere preservato rispetto ai figli. 

Per questo motivo i genitori lavorano a stretto contatto, con la mediatrice, per mantenere, viceversa (come gia' detto prima), un buona relazione, avere un buon dialogo (rispettoso) ed aiutandosi a vicenda. (ed alla fine stipulando un accordo )

E' giusto rimarcare che, qualsiasi forma di guerra o di odio, come concetto generale, è negativo nei confronti di qualsiasi persona (non sto qui a dare spiegazioni filosofiche/teologiche/mediche che avvalorano il concetto). 

L'odio e' ancora più negativo quando questo coinvolge l'ex moglie/ex marito.

Infatti il viso del figlio ha il 50% di somiglianza del padre e della madre. Se l'ex moglie/ex marito odia l'altro genitore significa che odia la metà del figlio. (e questo può essere altamente pericoloso)

Proprio per questo rischio, che aumenterebbe considerevolmente, se le parti si affidassero ad una guerra reciproca, fatta con avvocati, questo percorso, tramite mediazione familiare, permette di ottenere la separazione limitando fortemente (se non rimuovendo) il precedente rischio. 

E comunque, essendo un accordo scritto, e depositato in tribunale, garantisce tutte le parti, affinché' sia rispettato (figli in primis e per il loro superiore bene)

Quindi, visto che 28/7/2022, era una data di anniversario importante, ci tengo a condividere, e allo stesso tempo raccomandare fortemente, la mediatrice familiare Dott.ssa Francesca Fabbri. (La sua professionalità ha permesso, nel mio caso, di ottenere risultati eccellenti)

Questi sono riferimenti (nel caso potessero essere utili a qualcuno)



Mobile - How to reset lan settings

 Here they are offial apple article that explain on how to reset iphone lan settings


Security - 6 Security Tips

Person majority does not have exactly perception about how much it could be invasive technology, what it really means internet (*) and how much security perception is lower than how much it is dangerous and appliable to normal life activities.

Due to this reasons I am focusing, with this article, on some interesting aspects.

Consider that, in this article, there is a specific topic that explain effects that technology abuse might affects teenagers (italian language)

(*) World Wide WEB means that all devices are interconnected each other, through internet, it implies that all world devices are, theoretically, reachable from any users and from location. Security concerns should easily realized :-)


This website permits to create weblinks containing PrivateText & Passwords (that could be securely shared with remote users).


To strengten security there are furthers settings that we strongly suggest to use.

  • Password could be shown only "one time" (or extended up to 30 days deprecated)
  • You can add email address having real time notification (when weblink was effectively read)
  • You can create master password, about web link, that you should communicate, to end user, using different communication ways (SMS, by phone, by voice etc. etc.)


Here it is an old article that explains how to verify if, your email account, was  affected in any data breach (occurred on any websites where you registered)


During these years I often had necessity to check files/emails/URLs understanding if they had any sort of infection (that was not yet discovered from latter antivirus definitions)

To get this result often I connect through this website that queries all majority AV versions and relative latter definitions.


After virustotal checks if weblink is fine but you suspect that it could be a phishing targeted attack you might open weblink through a specific website (registration is for free for basic settings) and you might verify real contents and requests (withouth any risk on you pc/device):


Here they are some password tools from old blog article


How to view RDP activities done on any Server/client


Here it is an optional article that explain technology abuses that could occur on teenagers and persons (italian language only)


About other Security/Hacker articles please review below blog sections, there are several other aspects that are important to take awareness



[update 2022.01.04]

Privnote alternative


Extra IT - Leave a Legacy

The questions are, which memories and legacies you will leave, in any place, with each person with whom you interacted, during all your life? 


Live, Love, Learn

Leave a legacy

Life is short





Leave a Legacy


What makes life worth living

What's missing


How do I know..

How do I show love?


Where are the answers?

What do I need to learn? to unlearn?


How will I be remembered?

What do I dream of?

What is my fire within?

To live

To love

To learn

To leave a legacy

Life is short


Here it is an anoter interesting video

Video transcription:

each of us guards a gate of change that

can be opened only from the inside

i am not a product of my circumstances

i am a product of my decisions

if I really want to improve my situation

i can work on the one thing over which I

have control myself!

setbacks are inevitable

misery is a choice

be a light not a judge

be a model not a critic

most of us spend too much time on what

is urgent and not enough time on what is


The key to life is not accumulation.

It's contribution.

"Anytime we think the problem is out there"

 that very thought is the problem

effective people are not problem-minded;

they're opportunity-minded.

They feed opportunities and starve problems

" the main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing"

There's no better way to inform and 

expand your mind on a regular basis than

to get into the habit of reading good literature

Being influenceable is the key to influencing others

If I were to summarize in one sentence 

the single most important principle I

have learned in the field of

interpersonal relations it would be this

seek first to understand.

Most arguments are not really

disagreements but are rather little ego

battles and misunderstandings

Effective leadership is putting first

things first

effective management is discipline

carrying it out

in the industrial age leadership was a


in the knowledge age leadership is a


leadership is the highest of the arts

simply because it enables all the other

arts and professions to work

live, love, laugh, leave a legacy

I teach people how to treat me by what I

will allow

Trust is the glue of life.

It's the most essential ingredient in

effective communication

it's the foundational principle that

holds all relationships

live out of your imagination not your history

Stephen Covey

Extra IT - Horse country Resort

Recently we had opportunity to have holidays at following Village Resort (located in Italy-Sardegna).


Considering quotations, quite cheap compared to similar offers, the services provided was excellents. (and we were satisfied)

Internal restaurant, beach restaurant,  3 bars (one of them beach located), horse riding school, SPA wellness center, internal shop, western-style saloon (with relative country music shows), pizzeria, two swimming pools, services offered on the beach (*), soccer field, tennis court, table tennis, karaoke events etc. etc.

Last, but not least, the animation was one of the keys due to our resort permanence (and satifaction): professional, pleasant and funny (it is completely suitable for this kind of locations).

I must endorse villlage animation manager (Gennaro) that was able to coordinate and create an excellent animation team. Another endorsement must be given to both kids mini club girls (Marika and Giada) that has an unique kids positive approach. Latter mention must be given to one animation persons (Francesco & Georgia)

 I share this information in case it would be useful for someone (and to contradict, partially, "fake news / negative feedbacks" that you might find surfing on web)

 (*) apart sea quality concerns, however well-known and indicated in several web reviews (be aware that, for those who, like us, had a car, it was not absolutely a problem)


Ho avuto modo di soggiornare, recentemente, presso la seguente struttura.




Considerando il prezzo, piu' che ragionevole, i servizi forniti sono ottimi. (rimanendone soddisfatti)

La ristorazione, il ristorante sulla spiaggia, i tre bar ( di cui uno sullo spiaggia)  il maneggio, il centro benessere SPA, il negozio interno, il saloon tipo western (con relativa musica country), pizzeria, le due piscine, il servizio spiaggia (*), campo calcetto/tennis, ping pong, serate karaoke etc. etc.

Ultimo, ma non ultimo, l'animazione, professionale, piacevole e non invadente, sono il giusto completamente (se non la vera ciliegina sulla torta). 

E' doveroso menzionare la bravura e professionalità del capo animazione (Gennaro) che e' stato in grado di coordinare e creare un eccellente team di animazione. Un'altra menzione e' doverosa per entrambe le due ragazze (Marika e Giada) del mini club ( per i piu' piccoli) che hanno un approccio, verso i bambini/e, unico e positivo allo stesso tempo (da segnalare anche la baby dance serale), Ultima segnalazione, positiva, verso un paio di persone dell'animazione (Francesco e Georgia)

Condivido l'informazione nel caso torni utile a qualcuno (e per contraddire, in parte, le "fake news/feedbacks" che girano sulla struttura). E' giusto menzionare anche uno dei vari animatori (Francesco) con cui sono entrato in sintonia

(*) a parte qualche concerns relativi al mare, comunque ben noti ed indicati nelle varie recensioni che girano su internet, per chi, come noi, aveva la macchina, non era assolutamente un problema

Mobile - Iphone how to force brute restart

I am taking note about a very simple topic related on how to hard reboot Iphones devices.

Here it is relative link
