
Extra IT #7 Japanese Techniques To Overcome Laziness

I am taking note about this video that Explain these concepts:

1.) Ikigai (life purpose)

  • Discover your purpose in life
    Determine the reason you wake up each morning
  • Choose something that aligns with your strenghts, passions, and the needs of the world
  • This is what gives life meaning
2.) Kaizen (continuous improvement)
  • focus on small improvememnts every day
  • You don't have to do everything at once, just aim to make progress little by little
3) Pomodoro Technique
  • Work for 25 minutes, take a break for 5, then repeat. This helps you stay focused and avoid burnout.
  • It's a game charger for productivity.
4) Hara Hachi Bu
  • Don't stuff yourself!
  • Eat until you're 80% full and you'll feel more energizzed throughout the day
  • Plus, you won't have to unbotton your pants after lunch
5) Shoshin (beginner's mind)
  • Approach tasks with a beginner's mindset. Don't worry about being perfect or having all the answers.
  • Just be open to learning and trying new things
6) Wabi-sabi (beauty of imperfection)
  • Embrace imperfection!
  • Instead of stressing over every little detail, focus on what's important and find beauty in simplificity
  • Taking action is better than waiting or perfection.
7) Kaikeibo
  • Make a budget and stick to it
  • When you have your finances in order, you'll feel less stressed and more motivated to tackly your other goals
8) (optional) Nature's Healing tough

  • Spend time in nature
  • It's scientifically proven to reduce stress and improve your mood
  • Take a wal in the park, breathe in fresh air, and let nature recharge you

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[update 2024.08.06]
web site/app that should help you to achieve previous 3) Pomodoro Technique