Veeam backup & replication requires to be updated each time that a new version or patch is released.
I am taking note, on blog, a minimal checklist/workflow:
- Disable job backups
- Download latest Veeam B&R version
- Verify, using 7zip (right click on file --> 7zip --> md5 )
- At least 40 GB. are required on Veeam VM.
- Turn off VM
- Snapshot
- Turn on VM
- Disable Antivirus
- Mount iso and start installation
- Prerequisite check will start (select any checkbox proposed)
- Most probably a server reboot would be necessary.
- Restart VM
- Mount iso and start upgrade process once again.
- Re-enable Antivirus
- Execute Veeam
- Rescan vCenter server and rescan backups repository
- Re-enable Veeam backups.
- Execute Veeam configuration backup
- Delete snapshot
Here they are other Veeam blog articles