
Veeam #upgrade procedure.

Veeam backup & replication requires to be updated each time that a new version or patch is released.

I am taking note, on blog, a minimal checklist/workflow:

  1. Disable job backups
  2. Download latest Veeam B&R version
  3. Verify, using 7zip (right click on file --> 7zip --> md5 )
  4. At least 40 GB. are required on Veeam VM.
  5. Turn off VM
  6. Snapshot
  7. Turn on VM
  8. Disable Antivirus
  9. Mount iso and start installation
  10. Prerequisite check will start (select any checkbox proposed)
  11. Most probably a server reboot would be necessary.
  12. Restart VM
  13. Mount iso and start upgrade process once again.
  14. Re-enable Antivirus
  15. Execute Veeam
  16. Rescan vCenter server and rescan backups repository
  17. Re-enable Veeam backups.
  18. Execute Veeam configuration backup
  19. Delete snapshot

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